Police officer who arrested Scottie Scheffler disciplined for not activating surveillance camera

Scottie Scheffler

Kentucky police officer faced disciplinary measures for not activating his body camera during an incident involving the arrest of top-ranked golfer Scottie Scheffler outside the PGA Championship. The altercation reportedly led to the officer being dragged to the ground. Louisville authorities acknowledged the lack of video evidence from the officer's camera but mentioned a street camera video that captured events leading up to the arrest.

Scheffler, who was heading to Valhalla Golf Club for the tournament, was arrested amid an investigation into a fatal accident involving a tournament worker. The officer claimed Scheffler did not follow commands and caused injury, but Scheffler attributed the incident to a misunderstanding.

Despite the arrest, Scheffler managed to participate in the tournament, finishing tied for eighth and earning a significant payout. He is due to be arraigned on multiple charges, including felony assault of a police officer.

The article also references Louisville's body camera policy, which was implemented after the controversial shooting of Breonna Taylor in 2020, requiring officers to activate their cameras during all law enforcement activities. The policy was a response to prior incidents where officers failed to use body cameras, leading to the dismissal of the police chief at the time.

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